Bouchon The Venue

Stop / Bouchon is the name we re-use for the venue on the ground floor of the building we renovated in 2020/2021 – the Covid19-project.

This is:
160 sqm of inner space, capacity of 150 persons standing, 70 seated.
70 sqm waterside east terrace: viewing canal / Meuse
60 sqm hillside west terrace: viewing Sint-Pietersberg

This house, our project, this village, this region carries thousands of stories.

Canals and rivers have been relocated here, in Klein Ternaaien / Petit Lanaye. What is a sleepy town in the suburbs of Maastricht -even though in another country – used to be a bustling, vivid, rough border town in the pre-Schengen era, when inland navigation still involved many hands. And these hands needed many drinks an other entertainement.

For info on the village:

For info on the Liege-Maastricht Canal and Meuse

For Lanaye Lock